How to make Whatsapp link in 2022

How to make Whatsapp link in 2022

Useful | 5 min on reading

As a business owner or marketer, you have probably asked yourself  “How do I add my WhatsApp to Instagram”

Many companies are concerned about this is a question, especially when they start an online business and need to reach a larger market segment. After all, a direct WhatsApp link in Instagram will allow users to quickly contact you, and will no doubt have a very strong effect on the conversion in the sales. 

Of-corse there are already multiple solutions, a quick google search will show you that you can set up a WhatsApp button on your Instagram, which will look something like this:*************  However, this sort of direct link to WhatsApp does not look very aesthetically pleasing. 

You could also just put in your phone number, but then users would have to re-write it to contact you. However, this adds another step for the user to complete, and as you know, more steps add more ways for the potential client to drop off.

And it’s not just WhatsApp, what about the other messengers? Though WhatsApp is one of the most popular chat platforms, multiple others are rising in popularity, Telegram, Viber, VK, and Facebook Messenger and the used heavily as well.

As a business or marketer, you will already know the importance of catering to your customer’s needs, giving them a choice of what platform to contact you on is vital.

That’s why we at have developed a more elegant solution to solve this issue.

By using our service you will not only solve the question of “How should I add my WhatsApp to my page?”, but also open up the possibility for your potential customers to contact you from any various other messengers. 

The link itself to Instagram will look like this,

So what possibilities does it offer? 

Think about the daily routine for other professionals. An intense life in metropolitan areas, time spent meeting clients, and networking are but a few obligations that are commonplace. People simply do not have the time or desire to remember and record all the numbers and addresses that they are given, and the same goes for the countless contact links. What they would appreciate, however, is a convenient way to access all of your contact details with a single click.

For these purposes, we have created By using our platform, you can gather all of your contact information into one stylish online business card that is easy to set up and use, no matter what you are doing. 

When the client opens your link, they are instantly shown all of the chat platforms that you are on when they click on the platform that they wish to use, they are automatically taken to your profile and can contact you without breaking their train of thought.

With you can place goods for sale directly on your business card, link six different messengers (WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram, Viber, VK, and Facebook Messenger), customize your card to your aesthetic requirements and put in a good description of what you do.

After creating your business card in, you can then place the link in your Instagram profile, allowing anyone that wishes to be able to contact you with ease.

We hope that this article will solve the question “How to add a link to WhatsApp chat in Instagram” once and for all, and at the same time help to expand the number of channels of communication with your customers.


You can use for your business for free here:


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